We encourage our members to consider using the PAR program to send your offering through automatic debit. This allows the opportunity to give intentionally and faithfully once a month to the church even when you are not able to be there in person. This helps to provide our church with a dependable flow of contributions, and allows for an easier budget process. Please download, print, and fill in the PAR form found at the bottom of this page. Upon completion, please deliver it to the church office.
E-transfers have been made easier for you. We are now set up for Autodeposit. You can simply send your e-transfer to office@collingwoodunitedchurch.ca and your funds will automatically be deposited to the church bank account.
******Please put your full name, email and mailing address in the message line if you are a new donor to Trinity - for income tax receipt purposes.
Log into your online or mobile banking app. Using the e-transfer option, select or add office@collingwoodunitedchurch.ca as the recipient and the amount to send.
Your account information stays protected. No longer a need for a fact-finding question. You will receive an e-mail back from your bank that your funds have been deposited. Please indicate in the message line where you would like your funds allocated.
Remember you may also give your donation in the way of PAR, PayPal, or by dropping off your church envelope in our outdoor locked mailbox located just after the steps on the north side of the church from Maple Street.
You are able to make one-time gifts OR set up regular monthly donations (processed on the day of the month you choose) by using our online partner PayPal.
Placing an offering envelope on the collection plate is a wonderful opportunity to embody generosity in our weekly worship. Using offering envelopes also ensures that we can identify your givings and issue a tax receipt. To request offering envelopes or for more information, please contact the church office.
Please contact the church office if you would like more information on Ways to Give and Support the ongoing ministries of our church.