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Betty Hancey was one of the recipients of a Simcoe County Recognition Award, celebrating the achievements of those who have taken significant steps to create inclusive age-friendly communities.

The individual recipients were celebrated for their dedication to fostering age-friendly communities and improving the quality of life for older adults across the region. The public nomination process took place throughout the second half of 2024.

Betty was nominated for her tireless work with the Food Program at Trinity United Church, Collingwood ON.  Betty organizes food for our indoor pantry and outdoor foodbox.  This entails hours of work each week managing the food items, the grocery lists and the shoppers.  A grocery table at the monthly Community Dinner lets recipients of the meal also head home with a bag of pantry staples.  

Renaming Super Bowl Sunday, Feb. 9th, to 'Souper Sunday', Betty has asked for donations of soup - but only 'just add hot water to the package' types. These will be used for the Outdoor Foodbox.  

Collingwood also recognized Betty on February 3rd at Trinity United with its own certificate for her volunteer work in helping our community be more Age-Friendly!

Photos: Collingwood recognition of Betty from Tim Fryer, Deputy-Mayor of Collingwood February 3, 2025 at Trinity United Church